Application: Precitech™ Diamond Turning Machine
Customer: Precitech
- Praecis ATCU-9.
- Precitech diamond turning machine and enclosure.
- Porous fabric air distribution plenum suspended from the ceiling of the enclosure. Two 250-mm fabric cylinders run the length of the enclosure.
Enclosure Modification:
The client used the existing diamond turning enclosure and modifed it by cutting two 250-mm holes in the upper end of the enclosure to accommodate two ducts from the ATCU-5. The client also added rails to support the ducting inside the enclosure.
Enclosure Size:
- 2.1 x 2.3 x 2.0 m
(W x Dx H) (Inside dimensions). - Footprint: 2.5 m².
- Volume: 5.0 m³.
- Air Velocity: 0.15 m/sec.
Dual duct air-distribution system within a diamond turning enclosure.
ATCU-9 Fabric Ducting Air Distribution