How Our Systems Work
Praecis Environment—Climate Control
Praecis provides complete ultra-precision climate control for any size enclosure or room. The Praecis Environment TM propritary controls, can control all aspects of the enclosure environment to the highest level of technological development, environmental variables including temperature, humidity, pressure, and cleanliness.
Air Temperature
Control Unit
The core of Praecis Environment system is the Praecis Air Temperature Control Unit (ATCU).
The ATCU delivers temperature controlled air to the enclosure via the Praecis Air Distribution system (textile ducting and baffling).
Movement of Air
The ATCU connects to the enclosure via a single duct, which is part of the Laminar Flow Air Distribution system. Fans in the ATCU push the air through the duct into the plenum/textile “mattress” at the top of the enclosure.
As the air passes through the plenum, the precision-drilled holes in the textile mattress create a downward laminar airflow. Referred to as an “air shower,” the temperature-controlled air flows around the Critical Point (CP). A sensor at the CP sends information back to the controller.
The air exits out the bottom of the enclosure. Exhaust heat from the ATCU vents via a duct outside the room.
Air Temperature Control
Præcis uses a laminar-flow air shower to hold the temperature to a pre-set level at the desired Critical Point.
Temperature sensors throughout the ATCU, ducting, and enclosure send signals back to the Praecis Control system. Adjustments are made instantaneously.
Humidity Control
When humidity control is required, a Praecis Humidity Control Unit is added to the system.
the ATCU’s air flow also delivers gaseous water (steam) to the enclosure.
Heating elements immersed in water create steam, which then goes through a tube directly into the enclosure intake the air duct.
Solid state relays, managed by the Praecis Control System (PCS), controls the amount of heat delivered to the water thus controlling the steam flow rate.
Single Software Interface
The Praecis Control Software system manages all variables through a single computer interface.
The Praecis Environment components are modular and customizable.
When humidity control is required, a Praecis Humidity Control Unit is added to the system.